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In Power BI Report Server paginated report, and SSRS 2016, I have encountered this error The report execution has expired or cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound).

Power BI Report Server The report execution has expired or cannot be found error

Power BI Report Server The report execution has expired or cannot be found

SSRS 2016 The report execution has expired or cannot be found error

SSRS 2016 The report execution has expired or cannot be found

I am sure the report is already found and I don't know how whey the report excution has expird?

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SSRS 2016 The report execution has expired or cannot be found

Regardless, you are using Power BI Report Server Paginated Reports or SSRS 2016, This issue "The report execution has expired or cannot be found" usually occurs in the following cases:

  1. The report has been deleted.
  2. The report URL has trailing spaces or is not correct.
  3. The report Session ID is listed in the browser cookies.

1) the Paginated Report is deleted

You should first make sure that the report is not deleted by any other user who has permission to manage the report server portal.

2) The report URL has trailing spaces or is not correct.

As you have said in your question, the report is not deleted and it's already been found. so the issue is not related to report deletion, and you should make sure that you are browsing the correct report URL without any additional spaces.

3) Browser Cookies

As a quick solution, you try to add this SSRS parameter &rs:Command=ClearSession to clear the session



clear session in ssrs 2016

If the above solution didn't work, try to remove the report session-id from cookies data in Google Chrome by doing the following:

  • Open Google Chrome
  • Browse this URL:

  • In the search box, type the report server hostname, in my case, it was powerbi
  • You can now click on the delete button beside your domain to clear all cookies.
    clear cookies for ssrs-min
  • But here, I would like to show you the stored session-id of your report in cookies that should be removed to avoid "The report execution has expired or cannot be found In SSRS 2016 or Power BI Report Server"
  • Click on the X icon, to just remove this SSRS 2016 report session-id from cookies, or click Remove All to remove all cookies for this domain.
    remove report session id from cookies in SSRS 2016

See Also

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