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in SQL Server Reporting Services by 2 3 5

I have installed SQL Server Reporting Service 2016, and suddenly, I got this error 'The report server was unable to validate the integrity of encrypted data in the database. (rsCannotValidateEncryptedData) keyset doesn't exist' when opening the Report  Server Web Service URL.

The report server was unable to validate the integrity of encrypted data in the database

I have also tried to open the SSRS Report Manager URL and I got a similar error as below

You specified a connection to a report server database that contains encryption keys for another report server.
If you are configuring a scale-out deployment, that feature is not supported by this edition of Reporting Services.
If you want to use this report server database with the current report server instance, remove the existing encryption keys first.

Any help, please?

1 Answer

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Best answer

To solve this error "The report server was unable to validate the integrity of encrypted data in the database", you have to do one of the following solutions:

  1. Delete Encrypted Content in SSRS Configuration Manager.
  2. Reconfigure the current report server database.

1) Delete Encrypted Content in SSRS Configuration Manager

  • Open Reporting Service Configuration Manager.
  • Connect to your report server instance.
  • Click on "Encryption Keys", then click on "Delete" to delete all encrypted data in the report server database.

delete encryption keys

If you can't delete the "Encryption Keys", and got this error "Failed to delete the encryption content in the report server database. Please execute the "DeleteEncryptedContent" stored procedure on the database manually.". so you should do the following:

  • Open SQL Server Management Studio >
  • Click on the new query and run the below SQL query:

      use Report_Server_Name
      exec DeleteEncryptedContent
  • Open the Services, and restart SQL Server Reporting Services.

restart SQL reporting service

2) Reconfigure the current report server database

  • Open Reporting Service Configuration Manager.
  • Connect to your report server instance.
  • Click on "Database" > click on Change database.

Change report server database

See Also

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Thanks, you saved me.
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