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I have the below script, its working fine with User/People , However, had change in the requirment to let items Filter by  AD groups . any thoughts to change.

$(".btn_Filter").on("click", e => {


        let filter_Type = $(e.target).data("filter");



        if(filter_Type === "Assigned to Me") {
            let filtered_Arr = Observations_Arr.filter(item => {
                return item.AssignedToId !== null ? item.AssignedTo.Id === context.userId : "";


        } else if(filter_Type === "My Items"){
            let filtered_Arr = Observations_Arr.filter(item => {
                return item.Author.Id === context.userId;


        } else if(filter_Type === "My Staff Items") {


            sp.web.lists.getByTitle(Approvers_List).items.select("Title", "Person/Title").filter(`Person/Title eq '${context.userDisplayName}'`).expand("Person").get().then( items => {
                let group_shift = items.map(i => i.Title);
                let filtered_Arr = Observations_Arr.filter(item => group_shift.includes(item.Group_Shift.Title));

        } else if(filter_Type === "All Items"){
            sp.web.lists.getByTitle(Processing_Team).items.select("Title", "User/Title").filter(`User/Title eq '${context.userDisplayName}'`).expand("User").get().then( res => {

                let divisions = res.map(item => item.Title);
                let filtered_Arr = Observations_Arr.filter(item => divisions.includes(item.Division.Title));

your kind support is much appreicated.

closed with the note: Need more clarifications: Please add more details to can help you faster

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