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This video is a part of our sessions at the First Global Power Platform in Saudi Arabia 2022 introduced by Dr.Ahmed Bahaa which mainly explores AI in Power Platform in Arabic.

In this video, you will learn:

  1. What's Artificial intelligence?
  2. Explore types of analytics.
  3. What can we do with AI?
  4. What is Machine Learning?
  5. What's Azure machine learning?
  6. Demo: No code Computer Vision using Microsoft cognitive Vision


About Dr.Ahmed Bahaa

Ahmed Bahaa

  • Dr. Ahmed Bahaa (Ph.D. Holder) is a SW engineer, consultant, and Microsoft Regional Director(RD) who is living in Cairo, Egypt. He is a Professor in the Faculty of Computers and AI - Helwan University, Vice Dean of the same faculty in Beni-Suef University, and a Principal Technical Consultant of a Gold Microsoft Partner in Egypt called CompuPharaohs. Moreover, Ahmed is a member of the ISO advisory responsible for issuing the official worldwide ISO Arabic versions of IT standards.
  • Dr. Bahaa has been awarded many international awards in the ICT field. This includes but is not limited to; the Golden Global Impact Award from Microsoft of Redmond-WA in the USA as one of the top 60 global technology influencers, the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for 15 years in a row in the software engineering and cloud fields. He is the only Arab and African who received both awards in world history!, and the only Arab and African IT expert in history to have 15 MVP awards!.
  • Ahmed is one of only 9 people worldwide who has three recognition titles (being a Microsoft Regional Director, MVP, and Ph.D. holder)
  • In 2010 Microsoft chose him as one of the top elite 100 IT worldwide thought leaders. Thus, he joined the Regional Directors Program.
  • Ahmed has 25-years+ of experience in the ICT field with more than 100 projects that served the national, regional, and international levels. This includes Egypt's ICT indicators project that won first prize at the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) in December 2014 and Egypt's ICT dashboard project that won 1st prize of Public Service Administration (PSA) of the United Nations in 2013.”
  • In 2013, Dr. Bahaa was selected as a Microsoft Customer Advisory Council (CAC) member of the Cloud-Based load testing Microsoft product as one of the top 10 experts in this technology worldwide.
  • Ahmed Bahaa is a frequent expert and speaker in many international technical events held in the USA, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, UK, Dubai, Kuwait, and Egypt, and other activities that Microsoft Corp's CEOs and VPs have keynoted,).
  • In 2014 the Microsoft team posted an interview with him on the MVP award home page.
  • Ahmed is a father of two sons; Bahaa, and Omar, and two daughters Hana and Haya.

Watch the recorded sessions of the First Global Power Platform 2022 in Saudi Arabia

You may also like to watch the other recorded sessions in the below playlist that includes the following videos

  1. What's Microsoft Power Platform
  2. Introduction to the Cloud and Microsoft Azure
  3. Getting Started with PowerApps
  4. Getting Started with Power BI
  5. The government opportunities for Power Platform.

Don't miss it!!

See Also, What's Microsoft Power Platform in Arabic?

by 32 38 43
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Very Helpful session, thanks for sharing.
by 15 16 25
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Detailed session, love it ♥

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