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in SharePoint Server by 66 69 85
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In SharePoint OnPrem as well as SharePoint online, when viewing a SharePoint list, it appears in a Modern Experience User Interface UI, and to go to the classic SharePoint UI, I have to click on the left-bottom button `Return to classic SharePoint` to switch to the classic experience, How can I disable SharePoint Modern Experience for Specific list in SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server 2019 without clicking on "Return to classic SharePoint."

modern experience SharePoint list

1 Answer

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by 66 69 85

How to Disable SharePoint List Modern Experience?

There is two way to disable modern experience for specific SharePoint list or library level:
1. Using SharePoint List Setting
2. Using PowerShell

1) Disable SharePoint List Modern Experience using List Settings

  1. Go to List Settings --> Advanced Settings.
  2. Scroll down to List Experience.
  3. Check Classic Experience.
    Classic experience

2) Disable SharePoint List Modern Experience using PowerShell

In PowerShell, you can change from modern to classic and the opposite or to default mode by grinning the below script:

Switch to Classic Experience for SharePoint List

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ea 0
$site = Get-SPWeb {WebSite URL}
$list = $site.Lists["{ListName}"]

#Classic experience
$list.ListExperienceOptions = "ClassicExperience"

Switch to Modern Experience for SharePoint List

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ea 0
$site = Get-SPWeb {WebSite URL}
$list = $site.Lists["{ListName}"]
#Modern experience
$list.ListExperienceOptions = "NewExperience"

Switch to Default Experience for SharePoint List

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ea 0
$site = Get-SPWeb {WebSite URL}
$list = $site.Lists["{ListName}"]
#Default experience
$list.ListExperienceOptions = "Auto"

See Also

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