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Design principles are the guidelines that an artist should follow when creating their work.

  • Design principles are the guidelines a designer must adhere to in order to follow the basic principles of design, such as balance, repetition, emphasis, and so forth, in order to create an appealing, effective composition.
  • This is similar to the visual design element ideas when we do it for software architecture, but we also focus more on the code, expense, and effectiveness of the program that needs to be designed.

In this article, you will find a great step by step refrences to learn Design principles in .NET:

  1. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Single Responsibility Principle
  2. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Open-Closed Principle
  3. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Liskov Substitution Principle
  4. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Interface Segregation Principle
  5. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Dependency Inversion Principle and the Dependency Injection pattern
  6. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Dependency Inversion Principle Part 2, DI patterns
  7. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Dependency Inversion Principle Part 3, DI anti-patterns
  8. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Dependency Inversion Principle Part 4, Interception and conclusions
  9. SOLID design principles in .NET: the Dependency Inversion Principle Part 5, Hello World revisited
  10. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 1: introduction with code to be improved
  11. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 2: Single Responsibility Principle
  12. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 3: the Open-Closed principle
  13. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 4: the Liskov Substitution Principle
  14. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 5: the Liskov Substitution Principle 2
  15. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 6: the Interface Segregation Principle
  16. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 7: the Dependency Inversion Principle
  17. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 8: clean-up
  18. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 9: concentrating on enumerations
  19. SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 10: concentrating on enumerations resolved
  20. The Don’t-Repeat-Yourself (DRY) design principle in .NET Part 1
  21. The Don’t-Repeat-Yourself (DRY) design principle in .NET Part 2
  22. The Don’t-Repeat-Yourself (DRY) design principle in .NET Part 3

See also, Top 15 Design Patterns in .NET

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