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in .Net Framework by 22 33 42
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I've recently set up a new machine, and installed the Visual Studio Code that has been installed successfully

However, when attempting to compile a project, I encountered the following error:

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\7.0.403\NuGet.targets: error: 'XWP_10112022' is not a valid version string.

Why is this causing an issue with NuGet, and any thoughts on how to resolve it?

1 Answer

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Best answer

It appears that there is an environment variable on your machine named "XWP_10112022" that needs to be removed in order to make your project function and compiled properly.

How to Get All Environment Variables in Windows?

  1. Right click on the "My PC" icon > Select Manage
  2. In the opened dialog, click on "Advanced System Settings".
  3. Click on "Advanced" Tab > Environment Variables.
    Get All Environment Variables in Windows
  4. Search for the variable name that shown in your error message.
  5. Select it, then click on "Delete".
  6. Try now to recompile your project that should be working as expected.

See Also

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