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in Power Automate by 39 45 52
In Power Automate, how can I extract specific elements from an array based on their index? For instance, how do I retrieve the first, second, and subsequent elements from a given array?

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How to Access array elements by index in Power Automate?

You can extract specific elements from an array based on their index by following these steps:

  1. Add a "Compose" action to your flow. This action is where you'll write the expression to access the array element by index.
  2. In the "Compose" action, use the item() function to access a specific element of the array by its index. The syntax for the item() function is:

    item(variables('YourArrayName'), Index)

For more details, please check how to split string to array in Power Automate

by 39 45 52
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Thanks Heba for your usual support, it's clear and the link is very helpful!
by 49 62 108
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Glad to hear it helped you
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