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in Power Apps by 22 34 42
My organization plans to roll out a Power App to thousands of employees. I'm concerned about whether Power Apps can handle this scale and whether there are any user limitations I should consider when designing the app.

1 Answer

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How many users can access a single Power App?

While Power Apps supports a large number of users, app performance may degrade as the user base grows. To ensure scalability, focus on efficient app design, optimize data source connections, and consider testing under load conditions.

How to improve PowerApps Performance?

To improve PowerApps App performance, consider

  • Using reusable components and
  • splitting the app into smaller, modular apps.
  • Use only the necessary data connections to avoid extra overhead.
  • Use delegable data sources (e.g., SharePoint, Dataverse, or SQL Server) and ensure queries are delegable to handle large datasets efficiently.
  • Reduce the number of controls on a single screen as each control increases load time.
  • Cache frequently used data in collections instead of querying data sources repeatedly.
  • Load data from multiple data sources simultaneously using the Concurrent() function.
  • Avoid using complex formulas in repeated operations (e.g., OnVisible, OnStart) and calculate values once, storing them in variables or collections.
  • Preload data at the app's start or during screen transitions to reduce delays when users interact with controls.
  • Compress and resize images, videos, and audio files to reduce app size and load time.
  • Turn off unnecessary preview features and animations to boost app responsiveness.
  • Use the PowerApps Monitor tool to identify bottlenecks and optimize data retrieval, control rendering, and formula execution.

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