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In the Power BI Report Server, I tried to create a schedule for a new dashboard but I encountered this error

An error occurred within the report server database, this may be due to a connection failure timeout or low disk condition within the database

an error occurred within the report server database

Could you please help me to fix this issue?

1 Answer

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An error occurred within the report server database

As mentioned on the error message, this issue usually occurs in the following cases:

  1. There is a connectivity issue between the Power Bi Report server and the database server.
  2. The database server doesn't have sufficient disk space.
  3. The PowerBI report server database is not accessible or corrupted.

1) A connectivity issue between the Power BI Report Server and the database server.

To solve this issue, you should make sure that the database server that holds the report server databases (ReportServer, ReportServer Temp) is reachable from the Power BI Report Server by running a telnet cmdlet as the following:

telnet DBserverVIP port

Note: Check with the database administrator and the network administrator the DB server IP (Virtual IP if you are using High availability) and the opened port (the default port is 1433). For more details, please check How to Check SQL Server Connectivity between Application Server and Database Server.

2)The database server doesn't have sufficient disk space.

On the Database Server, you should also make sure that the hard disk drive that holds the database files is not full and have sufficient disk space, so try to free space by deleting unneeded files or extend the physical volume to add additional space.

You might also like to read How to Extend Operating System Partition In Virtual Machine & Error extending volume Size Not Supported

3) The PowerBI report server database is not accessible or corrupted

If you can reach the database server from the Power BI report server as well as the database server drivers have sufficient disk space, so the issue may be related to the Power BI Report server database.

In this case, you ask your database administrator to log in to the SQL server instance that holds the Power BI Report Server databases (ReportServer, ReportServer Temp) to make sure that the database is accessible and working properly.

Read also how to solve Database is not accessible due to a Single User mode

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